========================================== .. py:module:: .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Root Signals API Root Signals JSON API provides a way to access Root Signals using provisioned API token The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.0 (latest) Generated by OpenAPI Generator ( Do not edit the class manually. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Chat Bases: :py:obj:`pydantic.BaseModel` Chat .. py:attribute:: chat_id :type: Optional[typing_extensions.Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=255)]] :value: None .. py:attribute:: created_at :type: Optional[datetime.datetime] .. py:attribute:: messages :type: List[root.generated.openapi_aclient.models.chat_message.ChatMessage] .. py:attribute:: model_config .. py:attribute:: updated_at :type: Optional[datetime.datetime]