Beta API features namespace |
Root Signals API Python client. |
Module Contents¶
- class root.client.Beta(get_client_context: Callable[[], AsyncContextManager[root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient]] | Callable[[], ContextManager[root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient]])¶
Beta API features namespace
- Parameters:
get_client_context (Union[Callable[[], AsyncContextManager[root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient]], Callable[[], ContextManager[root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient]]])
- property judges: root.judges.Judges¶
Get Judges API (Beta)
- Return type:
- class root.client.RootSignals(api_key: str | None = None, *, run_async: bool = False, _api_client: root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient | None | root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient | None = None, base_url: str | None = None)¶
Root Signals API Python client.
The API key must be provided via one of the following methods - the code uses the first one that is found:
as an argument to RootSignals constructor,
environment variable ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY, or
.env file containing ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY=
- Parameters:
api_key (Optional[str]) – Root Signals API Key (if not provided from environment)
run_async (bool) – Whether to run the API client asynchronously
_api_client (Union[Optional[root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient], Optional[root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient]])
base_url (Optional[str])
- api_key = None¶
- base_url = None¶
- property datasets: root.datasets.DataSets¶
Get DataSets API
- Return type:
- property evaluators: root.skills.Evaluators¶
Get Evaluators API
- Return type:
- property execution_logs: root.execution_logs.ExecutionLogs¶
Get Execution Logs API
- Return type:
- property get_client_context: Callable[[], AsyncContextManager[root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient]] | Callable[[], ContextManager[root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient]]¶
- Return type:
Union[Callable[[], AsyncContextManager[root.generated.openapi_aclient.ApiClient]], Callable[[], ContextManager[root.generated.openapi_client.ApiClient]]]
- property models: root.models.Models¶
Get Models API
- Return type:
- property objectives: root.objectives.Objectives¶
Get Objectives API
- Return type:
- run_async = False¶
- property skills: root.skills.Skills¶
Get Skills API
- Return type: