Authentication and setup

There are some other supported authentication and setup modes than those described in the quickstart.

API key handling

The API key must be provided via one of the following methods - the code uses the first one that is found:

  1. as an argument to RootSignals constructor (see below),

  2. environment variable ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY (see quickstart), or

  3. .env file containing ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY= (see below)

Provide it in the code (highest priority)

In addition to the ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY environment variable, you can also supply the API key directly from your code using either:

from root import RootSignals
client = RootSignals("my secret api key")


from root import RootSignals
client = RootSignals(api_key="my secret api key")

.env file (lowest priority)

Current directory where the Python interpreter is being executed can be also used to find the .env file with variable=value definitions. In this case, if there is ROOTSIGNALS_API_KEY=mysecretapikey entry there, it is used.

Local installation

In addition to the default pip install described in the quickstart, it is also possible to use the package from source. If you want to develop the SDK, it can be useful to make the package locally installed:

pip install -e .

Request timeout

Use the _request_timeout parameter to set the timeout for the API requests. The default is not set, which means that the requests will wait indefinitely. The value is in seconds.